of Bombay appointed a study group under the Chairmanship of ShriS. Responsible public opinion was inversely watchful and several formative suggestions appeared from time to time in the press and away. G. originally there wasn't important response to the new megacity. either, there are physical limitations to the growth of a megacity erected on a long and narrow promontory, which has veritably many connections with the landmass. The rapid-fire rate of growth of population, made possible by the adding artificial and marketable significance of the megacity, redounded in a fast deterioration in the quality of life for the maturity of people living in the megacity. Department like water force, sewerage, solid waste operation, storm water rainspouts, roads, business, washes, trees, auditoriums , social, installations, requests, structures, manufactories, slum enhancement, educations, are each concerned with the subject. The physical terrain of the megacity constitutes Land, Climate, Vegetation, timbers, Wildlife, Wetlands, structure, Public services & serviceability, Air pollution situations, Noise situations, Water pollution situations, Community installations & services. The Sion- Panvel Highway was erected to reduce the time taken to travel from Sion to Panvel. This fact is witnessed each over the world.