Autodesk 3Ds Max Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Autodesk 3Ds Max - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Getting to Know 3ds Max
- Touring the Interface
- The Viewports
- Getting to Know the Command Panel
- Working with Objects
- Transforming Objects
- Copying an Object
- Understanding the Perspective Viewing Tools
- Using Multiple Viewports
Introducing 3ds Max Objects
- Understanding Standard Primitives
- Adjusting Objects' Parameters
- Accessing Parameters
- Modeling Standard Primitives with Modifiers
- Using the Modifier Stack Tools
- Making Clones That Share Properties
- Using Various Modifiers
- Understanding Extended Primitives
- Working with Groups
Creating Shapes with Splines
- Drawing using Splines
- Lathing a Spline
- Modifying a Shape Using Sub-object Levels
- Flipping Surface Normals
- Creating Thickness with a Spline
- Combining and Extruding Splines
- Introducing Other Spline Types
- Editing Splines
Editing Meshes and Creating Complex Objects
- Polygon Modeling Techniques
- Using Graphite Modeling Tools
- Creating buildings using modifiers
Working with External Design Data
- Importing AutoCAD Plans into 3ds Max
- Extruding the Walls
Creating AEC Objects
- Creating a Parametric Wall
- Adjusting the Wall’s Parameters
- Adding Doors and Windows to Walls
- Creating a Parametric Window
- Creating Stairs
- Creating Foliage
Organizing and Editing Objects
- Naming Objects
- Organizing Objects by Layers
- Setting Up Layers
- Assigning Objects to Layers
- Assigning Color to Layers
- Lofting an Object
- Lofting a Shape Along a Path
- Using Different Shapes Along the Loft Path
- Extruding with the Sweep Modifier
- Aligning Objects
Light and Shadow
- Understanding the Types of Lights
- Adding a Spotlight to Simulate the Sun
- Rendering a View
- Adding Shadow Effects
- Softening Shadow Edges
Shading and Texturing
- Understanding Bitmap Texture Maps
- Diffuse Color Maps
- Understanding Surface Properties
- Adding Materials to Objects
- Understanding Material Libraries
- Editing Materials
- Using Bump Maps
- Understanding Mapping Coordinates
- Adjusting the UVW Mapping Gizmo
- Assigning Materials to Parts of an Object
- Creating a Multi/Sub-Object Material
Using the 3ds Max Camera
- Understanding the 3ds Max Camera
- Adding a Camera
- Editing the Camera Location with the Viewport Tools
- Setting Up an Interior View
- Creating an Environment
- Working with Walkthrough-Assistant
Creating Animations
- Using Animation controls
- Using Keyframe animation
- Bouncing a Ball
- Adding Camera Motion
- Adjusting the Camera Path
- Creating Preview Animation
- Compressing and Expanding Time
- Rendering the Animation
Mental Ray Concepts
- Understanding Mental Ray
- Understanding Global Illumination
- Understanding Final Gather
- Assigning the Mental Ray Renderer
- Using the Rendered Frame Window Controls
Gamma Correction
- Understanding Gamma and Linear Workflow
- Applying gamma correction
- Understanding Autodesk materials
- Understanding Arch & Design materials
- Creating various materials
- Improving Rendering Quality
- Rendering an Exterior Scene
- Rendering an Interior Scene
- What is VRay and how to setup VRay
- Global Illumination in VRay
- VRay Image Saving Options
- VRay Lights
- VRay Camera
Rendering Scenes
- Rendering an interior scene using V-Ray
- Rendering an exterior scene using V-Ray
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates